-------------- PLEASE READ! ---------------
The more precise you can be when providing content and additional information, the more likely it is that your design will meet your expectations. Please include any example pictures to better get your ideas across. If there are no clear design guidelines given at time of submission your design will be created and you will only have the option of revising. If a different design is wanted it will be a $40 fee to create a new design and the turnaround time starts over. Be sure to proofread before finalizing the design. It is a joint effort between us and our clients, to verify that every detail -including spelling and grammar-meets the client’s expectations. This is the goal of the editing stage that those details are caught and corrected before things are printed and posted. If you sign off on an image once we send you the finalized graphic and you see something that needs to be changed or fixed – you will be charged for a revision fee of a minimum $20 (this even includes typos that may have been a mistake on our part).